How Can Brain Research Ensure a Successful Product Launch?

    Johma (a Dutch company known for bread and toast spreads) introduced a new 100% plant-based salad and it was one of the most successful product launches in Dutch supermarkets in 2022. One of the important reasons for this was Johma's investment in (neuro) market research.

    They conducted research beforehand to identify the key drivers and triggers (CEPs) crucial for purchasing salads for bread and toast. These insights were used for the development of the TV commercial that accompanied the product launch. Johma also tested older commercials to discover the do's and don'ts regarding advertising effectiveness.

    Check out this case study to find out how the research was conducted and the results.

    Client Johma logo Neurensics
    Techniques used


    Johma is the most well-known and largest salad producer in the Netherlands. Since 1968, this A-brand ("oet Twente") has been supplying fresh salads for bread and toast, recognisable by their distinctive red lids.


    In addition to their existing range, Johma developed a line of 100% plant-based salads, ready to be introduced in 2022, containing green lids.


    To ensure a successful launch, Johma didn’t rush the process. They first wanted to understand the consumer perception of their brand, identify the most relevant brand values, and determine the effectiveness of their TV commercials. These questions led Johma to us.

    Johma's Research Questions

    • What is the current consumer perception of Johma (and its competitors)?
    • What are the most relevant brand values for Johma?
    • Does the humour in our adverts contribute to their effectiveness, and if so, how?

    Research Approach

    To answer these questions, we utilised NeuroBranding. Using Rapid Implicit Association Test (RIAT), we measured the crucial drivers, triggers, and cues that are important to consumers when purchasing salads and savoury spreads for bread and toast, both generally and specifically for Johma products.

    Triggers, drivers, cues - Brand research


    Unsurprisingly, the research showed that consumers highly value an "honest" and "healthy" product. However, it also revealed that "enjoyment" is just as important. Associations like "delicious" and "celebration" were strongly linked in the brain to the purchase of salads for bread and toast.

    Testing TV Commercials and Concepts

    Before the launch of the campaign for the new plant-based line, Johma tested several older TV commercials. One concept, developed with the mayor of Losser (small village in the Netherlands), featured humour prominently.


    Johma wanted to know if—and how—humour contributes to ad effectiveness, and when it might distract from the core message.

    Research approach

    In an MRI scanner, respondents watched the Johma commercials and we measured the subconscious emotions and dimensions the commercials activated.

    We always combine fMRI research with Eye Tracking, which provided valuable insights into the editing of a TV commercial. This included the do’s and don’ts of placing text alongside moving images and the optimal timing for showcasing the product.

    After the research

    Armed with this knowledge, Johma and their advertising agency developed a TV campaign to accompany the launch of the new 100% plant-based line. We also pre-tested this new campaign, using fMRI and Eye Tracking, taking the previous insights into account. The TV commercial, again featuring the mayor of Losser, highlighted that the new 100% plant-based line is not only healthy, but also delicious.


    Producing a TV commercial is a significant investment, and it’s crucial that this money is well spent, avoiding ads that aren't able to reach their goal, or worse, annoy the audience. The pre-test with consumers provided valuable information, leading to some adjustments in the offline edit.

    6th Place in the Top 20 Most Successful Product Launches

    The result: a successful product launch, where thorough consumer research contributed to strong sales figures.

    (This table is only in Dutch, as it's from the Dutch Distrifood, our apologies)



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