Position your brand effectively in the mind of the consumer
What is your company's position in the market? How can you best distinguish yourself from the competition? Which branding associations play a role in this? How do your target group(s) perceive your company? What are the consumers' needs and wants, does your company sufficiently meet them? How do you claim the desired market position?
A company's position strongly influences the choices consumers make; crucially, choice behaviour is not rational. Therefore, to understand consumers' choice behaviours, it's best to measure the company's position in consumers' brains.
Neuro positioning research: quick turnaround - results within 5-7 working days
Proven to be effective
10+ yearresearch
120+brands researched
500+ associations measured
Neurensics uses the scientifically proven NeuroBranding method to conduct positioning research. The method includes the Rapid Implicit Association Task (RIAT) technique; the quantitative measurement of (the strength of) associations. Moreover, RIAT can be combined with other qualitative research methods.
The results of the positioning research enables you to make well-informed tactical and strategic decisions.
We'll take care of everything.
Your convenience is important to us.
After discussing your research questions, all you have to do is provide the test stimuli.
We'll do the rest.
Why use positioning research?
With positioning research you'll discover:
- What is your company's position in the market, as compared to the competition.
- What are the core values of your company. and do they match the needs and wants of consumers.
- How to improve your position in the market. Think of product and/or communication optimisation.
- What brand associations consumers have with your company and how you can change them or communicate them better.
If you have different questions, please contact us to see how we can help you.
Together with Neurensics we've investigated which (un)conscious motives lie inside people who never switch energy suppliers. The implicit association study yielded valuable insights into the factors that make behavioural change possible. This resulted in a successful campaign by iChoosr and Vereniging Eigen Huis. Matthijs van Waveren, International Marketing Manager, iChoosr
Our approach
With our scientifically proven qualitative and quantitative research methods, we measure the positioning of your company and brand in the unconscious minds of consumers; the place where choices are made.
- Listing relevant brand associations
Together, we draw up a list of brand associations relevant to your product category and select competitors to include in the study. - Cluster analysis of associations for behavioural intent
In a preliminary study, we use a cluster analysis to select associations relevant for behavioural intent, such as purchase intention or NPS.
- Measuring the associations in the consumer's unconsciousness
After listing your brand associations, they are measured in participants with RIAT: a quantitative association test with time pressure. In RIAT, participants have to indicate whether a certain association fits with a brand/company as quickly as possible. The time pressure while performing the task eliminates conscious thinking and over-rationalisation, giving us the strength of certain associations in the consumer's brain. - Identifying the associations for promoting growth
We identify the associations which fit your brand/company and the ones you need to focus on for strengthening your position in the market. Interestingly, this also reveals the 'Achilles heel' of your competition.
What's in it for you?
Within 5-7 work days you'll receive:
- A clear report containing the results and answers to your research questions.
- Advice on how to claim the desired market position.
- The assurance that you can make well-informed tactical and strategic decisions which will contribute to the growth of your brand/company.
These companies already use Neurensics to optimize their positioning
Contact us
Andries van der Leij
Head of Research & Development
Want to know more about our research techniques?
Are you interested and want to know more? Contact Vladimir and he'll tell you more and answer your questions.
Vladimir Den Baars
Do you have a questions about our research techniques? Don't hesitate to contact Andries.