The results
Centraal Beheer' favourite 'Dog' has a weaker balance of positive and negative emotions

Before the concepts were tested with fMRI, the concept 'Dog' was the favourite internally at Centraal Beheer. However, the fMRI results showed that the concept 'Dog' had a weaker balance between positive and negative emotions and scored lower on Engagement, check out the green dot.
The concept did score high on 'Trust'. You can see that in the brain pattern below. To find out why trust was triggered, we asked the online panel. Respondents indicated that it was triggered by the moments between the man and the dog. However, this high score on 'Trust' did not make the concept sufficiently effective.

The end of the concept created a lot of negative emotions. We also asked the online panel why. Respondents indicated this was because the dog runs towards the man with the bomb. Viewers suspect that this isn't going to end well and that Centraal Beheer cannot do much in such a situation.

'Dog' doesn't activate the brand values properly
Due to the ending, this concept doesn't contribute enough to activate the brand values: 'Centraal Beheer thinks along with me', 'Centraal Beheer always helps me' and 'Centraal Beheer makes my life easier' (we have previously calibrated these brand values in the brain with fMRI). The results even showed a negative correlation with the brand values, see image below.

'Container' has the best balance of emotions and scores high on Engagement
The concept 'Container' scores high on 'Trust'. We also asked the online panel why. Respondents indicated that the scene between the two colleagues - the secretary and the driver - at the beginning activates a lot of trust. Similarly, the end, when the slogan 'Even Apeldoorn bellen' appears, also activates a lot of trust. This is because the slogan is so familiar to the viewers by now.

'Lust' is activated during the scenes where it appears that something has gone wrong and at the end where the student's house moves and it becomes clear that his container is on a boat.

The big difference between the balance of positive and negative emotions of 'Container' and 'Dog', is that the ending of 'Dog' has irreversible consequences. Centraal Beheer cannot offer any help in this situation. This isn't the case with 'Container'; Centraal Beheer can still offer help, to both the company and the guy being shipped. This is actually why the positive emotions at the end are activated.
Container activates key brand values
Container activated Centraal Beheer's key brand values, see image below.

Expected reward and novelty may be enhanced more
Respondents of the online panel were also asked how 'Container' could become even more effective. As can be seen in the brain pattern below, the concept scored just below average on the dimension 'Expectation' - 'expected reward' and 'Novelty'.
Respondents indicated that the beginning could be a bit faster and smoother. The beginning takes a long time and takes place in a grey environment. They also indicated that it would be better if the concept ended with a concrete solution (expected reward). What can Centraal Beheer exactly offer in such a situation?

Our advice to Centraal Beheer was to opt for the 'Container' concept. To make the concept even more effective, we advised as shorter beginning and to offer a concrete solution at the end.
Silver Loeki award
Centraal Beheer took this advice and passed it on to the advertising agency. The agency started working on this.
In the final advert (which we also tested before going live), you can see that the beginning was made shorter and an attempt was made to make it more exciting. The end is no longer the image of the container ship, but a close-up of the boss. His problem makes the most sense for Centraal Beheer to solve.
And as a nice result, the ad also won the Silver Loeki award.
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