Check out the PepsiCo Lays case
How NeuroPricing™ increased Lays' profits
PepsiCo wanted to know the impact of a price increase of 0.25 Turkish Lira on Lays chips in Turkey. The possible impact was studied using questionnaires and NeuroPricing™. Check out the striking contrast in results produced by both methods and how NeuroPricing™ prediction more closely resembled the actual sales data.
"We believe future pricing questions should be answered using NeuroPricing® because its results are significantly more accurate than those from alternative research methods."
Vildan Ekmen, Revenue Strategy Manager PepsiCo Frito-Lay, Turkey
Get in touch
Vladimir Den Baars
Client Director
Do you want to know more about NeuroPricing™?

Andries van der Leij
Head of Research & Development
Do you want to know more about our techniques?

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Want to know what NeuroPricing™ can do for you? Don't hesitate and contact Vladimir.

Vladimir Den Baars
Do you have a question about EEG or about other research techniques? Don't hesitate and contact Andries.